The Slouching Generation

Posted on December 06, 2018

By: Dave Hall

A comment on FB this week from a friend of mine:

Its hard to get kids to sit properly when they need to use laptops for everything in high school. This generation is going to have so many back problems, our school doesn’t seem concerned about ergonomics… it’s a real worry!”

I agree with her. We are conducting a giant experiment with this generation of young folks – and the results of this could be a generation of slouchers. So how do we help stop this? Here are three ideas:

  1. Lap tops set up to promote better posture
  2. Do Theraband exercises to promote better posture
  3. Use of feedback telling us when we are slouching and helping us to train ourselves not to slouch

Now is more detail:

  1. Lap top set up to promote better posture

Get an external keyboard and mouse (or track pad) to raise the lap top screen. An example is shown in the picture below.

This lap top stand shown is called a roost, and I like it because it’s fairly high, very light and holds the keyboard at an angle which allows you to get closer to the screen.

  1. Do Theraband exercises to promote better posture

I never travel anywhere without a Theraband. I get strange looks and just cop it on the chin. These simple little “gym in your pocket” bands when used well can help promote good posture by switching on the anti-slouch muscles. Email us for some exercises like the one below:

  1. Use of feedback telling us when we are slouching and helping us to train ourselves not to slouch

I was recently asked to trial an anti-slouch T-shirt. I liked it and endorsed it. Watch this space.

Other companies are putting devices on the market that tell you when you are slouching. Companies like Dorsa-Vi have great products that measure posture in workplace settings and it’s only a matter of time before they are offering this sort of product to consumers in the public as well.

I’ll keep this section vague as I haven’t yet found the “gold standard” product on this yet, but it’s coming. Let me know if you have had good experiences with a product that is affordable.

Have a healthy and productive day!



Article from: Dave Hall, Director at PHW Group
David is passionate about promoting health, productivity and teamwork in organisations. With a unique background in Occupational Health Physiotherapy and Group Facilitation, David takes a holistic approach to his work and loves what he does.