
To ensure the health and safety of all Health at Work employees, reduce the risk of introduction and spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the work premises, and abide by the requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Scope of the policy

This Policy applies to all Health at Work employees of Health at Work, and all contractors, and suppliers who attend Health at Work’s premises.

COVIDSafe Plan Principles

COVID-19 Vaccination requirements for onsite visits

Prior to accepting a Health at Work onsite job, the Provider is required to notify Health at Work, if the attending staff member or contractor, is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or if not, has a medical exemption. The acceptance of a medical exemption for onsite attendance, will be at the discretion of, and subject to, client approval.The Provider is required to provide evidence of the COVID-19 vaccination (or medical exemption) via email health.assessments@healthatwork.net.au in advance of attending the site. If this is not received, the job will automatically be cancelled and payment forfeited. All vaccination records will be stored in a secure manner, not kept for longer than necessary and only used for the purpose(s) for which it is collected

Policy Application

All employees should at all times take every reasonable care while attending work. It is expected that additional caution is taken when travelling for leisure, attending events or large gatherings of people in a social or business setting.

The following policies outline the Health at Work’s response to:

Individual Self Reporting

Should an employee suffer a known exposure to COVID-19 as a result of close or casual contact with a confirmed case, show symptoms, or test positive for the virus, it is expected that they self report immediately. Close contact means greater than 15 minutes face-to-face, cumulative, or the sharing of a closed space for more than two hours, with a confirmed case without recommended personal protective equipment (PPE).


Where an employee is required to self-isolate, or is directed into quarantine, and are unable to work from home, they will be able to access leave as per the leave policy and procedure. Where an employee does not have sufficient Personal / Carers Leave or Annual Leave then they will be required to take Leave Without Pay.

Post Diagnosis

Where an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and completes the self-isolation or quarantine period they will be required to present a doctor’s clearance certificate prior to returning to work.


Any breach of this Policy will be taken seriously and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

How to identify risks and/or raise a concern

If an employee identifies a risk of exposure to the spread of COVID-19, or has a concern, they are to escalate it immediately to the Director. Supporting organisations are: WorkSafe and Department of Health & Human Services.


Appendix A - If an employee becomes unwell

If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or has been in close contact with a confirmed case, will need to be tested immediately.

While waiting for test results it is expected that an employee self-isolate – this means not attending work or moving outside their home. Evidence of a negative test result is required to be provided to the Director before returning to the workplace.

If an employee tests positive they are required to immediately report their positive status to the Director

The Director, must:

  • Direct the employee to get tested & self-isolate
  • Report the case to DHHS, or immediately to Work Safe on 13 23 60 if the employee is onsite at the workplace
  • Arrange deep cleaning of the workplace if the employee has been onsite in the previous 48 hours, and any other requirements advised by DHHS.
  • Follow contact tracing protocols including contacting any employees who have been in contact with the positive employee in the previous 48 hours to the person becoming symptomatic
  • A employee testing positive will not be able to return to the workplace until receiving the appropriate clearance, as outlined on the DHHS website.

Appendix B – Cleaning Process & Checklist

Sanitising regularly (minimum daily when onsite) is essential to stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Regular sanitizing includes wiping down workspaces, desks, and common areas after use with alcohol wipes of disinfectant at regular intervals.

If working from the Health at Work premises, cleaning is required the end of the day.

Cleaning Process

  • Use the alcohol wipes to wipe down workspaces, keyboards, desks, kitchen counters, kettle, water cooler, handles & taps (kitchen, bathroom & main doors) and any other touch points, and ensure the area is dried.
  • All cleaning should be completed using gloves and masks.
  • All wipes should be disposed of in a rubbish bag and where rubbish is considered PPE it should be disposed of in a medical waste disposal bin.

How to safely clean

  • Read the product label and Safety Data Sheet for the cleaning product(s) before using and make sure you follow all instructions, including all required PPE. Also make sure the product is suitable for use on the surface you are cleaning.
  • Ensure staff are trained in putting PPE on and taking PPE off, including washing or sanitizing hands between steps.
  • Use disposable gloves where possible, and discard after each use. Wash or sanitise hands before and after wearing gloves.

After cleaning:

  • Dispose of any single-use PPE, disposable cloths and covers in a rubbish bag and place it inside another rubbish bag and dispose of in general waste.
  • Launder any reusable cleaning equipment including mop heads and disposable cloths and completely dry before re-use.
  • Empty and re-clean equipment such as buckets with a fresh solution of disinfectant and completely dry before re-use.