Skin cancer action week ☀️

Posted on September 07, 2022

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National Skin Cancer Action Week (21-27 November) highlights that we need to do more to promote sun protection.

Preventative measures and early detection are critical to reduce the number of people affected by skin cancer and Health at Work can support your company with both. 

Get in early to secure skin checks for your business. 

Skin Checks are highly critical for early detection and are also valued as an employee benefit and a great way to encourage employees back into the office.

Our skin checks are expertly performed by a Dermatscopist Skin Specialist Nurse using a dermatoscope. Our Skin Specialist Nurses often identify and will refer for Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma, and with a suspicious melanoma typically detected during each skin check program, can your business afford not to do skin checks?

Complement your skin check program with our Shine- Sun Awareness Module.

With the weather starting to warm up, our Shine module is a great way to promote the importance of sun awareness. Running over the three summer months, and covering a range of health advice, including skin cancer prevention, detection, and intervention, general skin care, plus nutrition, hydration and, exercise tips in the warmer weather.

Promote sun awareness and safeguard your employees against skin cancer. To know more, contact us directly on 0406 685 442.