October is Mental Health Awareness Month

Posted on September 01, 2022

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Positive mental health is paramount for everyone, and senior management play a highly influential role in setting expectations within the organisation.

A National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing found that 15% of the Australian working population had reported a history of major depressive disorder; a sentiment most commonly echoed amongst both employees and senior management. Many struggle to open up about the pressures of work. *

Beyond Blue and Mental Health Awareness Month are coming up in October. There's no better time for your business raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health, with a range of mental health programs to support your entire workforce and business. 

Help employees flourish with our mental health module

The module has been developed in conjunction with renowned clinical and organisational psychologist, Rebecca Thomas, around the scientific study of Positive Psychology.

To help employees cope, build resilience and support them on a journey to a more positive mindset, the module features a LIVE webinar, and other great resources, including a quiz, information flyer, and challenge based on the PERMA model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments).

Want to know more about what positive psychology is and what’s in the module? 

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Mental Health Workshop for leaders

Research has shown that front-line managers play a significant role in promoting mental health and wellbeing at work^. When considering factors such as how quickly an employee will return to work, Worksafe** indicated that it was not the injury or illness itself that was most critical, but the actions of management and the relationship the manager had with that employee that had the greatest impact.

The bottom line...leaders set the tone for a mentally healthy workplace. While general messaging may be filtered down through emails, intranet and team meetings, cultivating positive mental health starts at the top. When managers and leaders embody these values, it brings emphasis to the message, and encourages employees to emulate them.

Safeguarding the mental health of leaders can be a feat in itself, but it doesn't have to be.

Mental Health Workshop for leaders has been developed in accordance with the Government's Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter, this four-hour Leading Mental Health workshop, provides a framework with practical tools and resources, and the latest psychological risk obligations your leaders need to understand and promote.

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If you want to add this module to your Hub now or find out more about the range of mental health programs we provide, contact us directly on 0406 685 442.


*LaMontagne A.D et al, 2014, ' Workplace mental health: developing an integrated intervention approach', BMC Psychiatry, vol.14(131).

^Glozier N, 2017, ' Review of Evidence of Pshychosocial Risks for Mental Ill-Health in the Workplace', NSW government.

**Worksafe, n.d, 'Employer's legal obligations during return to work', WorksafeVic.